Do you remember the Folgers commercial where Peter, the son, comes home and he and his baby sister make coffee to wake up the household? Even if you are under 30 you probably saw it once. And if you are over 30, Folgers ran that commercial at Christmas time well into the 90’s if not the 00’s.
Do you remember it? (Click here if you don’t)
Chances are high that you do! Why? Because it is emotional. When Mom walks down the stairs and says, “Peter, you’re home!” it just feels good! And it is what holidays of all kinds – Christmas, Passover, New Year’s, Rosh Hashanah – are about: family and good friends.
I hate to break it to you, but that commercial is 33 years old! And even if you needed a refresher from my description above, the words “Oh yeah, I remember this,” came out of your mouth as you watched.
Want another one? Check out the Hallmark commercial with the boy waiting for his older brother to come home. (I can hear you saying "Oh yeah" from here!)
May your holiday be filled with the good kind of emotion that makes you joyful and that you remember for a lifetime!
Bridget Brown, Owner, Chief Storytelling Officer
Natasha Drake, Director of Communications
StoryMatters, LLC