Let Us Do Some Braggin' | StoryMatters LLC
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What Our Clients Say...

We LOVE our clients and much of our business comes from word of mouth. 

So here is the word directly from the mouth's of both clients and colleagues:

Liz Tattersall

Liz Tattersall
Certified Life Coach

Bridget came up with the most innovative ideas that helped me take my average story to a place that left my audience in a state of “Wow” and wonder, exactly the response I’d been looking for.

Jonathan Klein

Jonathan Klein
Sr. Manager, Clares, Inc.

I have yet to encounter a more effective method for teaching/learning public speaking and storytelling, than Bridget’s.

Wendy Perrotti

Wendy Perrotti
Master Life Coach

As an experienced speaker, I thought I had it down. But Bridget made me dig deeper and when I started giving the speech she helped me craft, my business increased by at least 30%. She hears things in you that you don't know are there.

Corporate Storytelling

     "Put simply Bridget is brilliant in her ability to take the words that you say and craft a story that really resonates with your audience.  Her persistence helps you refine your thoughts until you've got the best version of you and your message to deliver.  I have seen her do it with the Chief Medical Officer of a major NY hospital, (who then sealed a deal he'd been working on for 2 years!); I've seen her do it with a Board of Directors, (who had struggled for months to figure out how to tell the complex story of their company); and I've seen her do it with me.  I've never felt more confident and prepared to deliver a keynote than after working with Bridget."
Kimberly Hartsfield
Interim Head of Data Commercialization
Helium Health
Kimberly Hartsfield

Sales Coaching

Kurt Harden

     "We had a great sales and service team.  But we sensed we could do better.  And our company message is very complex because it is largely built around data – the very thing that helps us beat our competitors.


Making the complex simple should be Bridget’s middle name.  She came in and helped each of our team members revamp their sales presentations, gave them tips and tricks for feeling more comfortable when they have to present to a group, and aided them in the construction of personal stories that tell the story of what our company does, but comes from a place of authenticity.  In so doing it makes the companies we pitch to understand we are solving a problem for them, not “selling” them.

In fact, at Bridget’s suggestion, we revamped our website, but even the marketing company struggled to find the right way to tell our story.  So I called Bridget.  She really understands who our customers are and how to tell our complex story in a manner that is consumable and compels companies to want to hire us.  That right there, speaks to the value of working with her."

Kurt Harden
Chief Operating Officer, MedBen Analytics
Newark , OH

Theresa Carrington

Public Speaking Coaching

     "Every speech you make is an investment in future business, so your content has to be memorable.  Bridget Brown will ensure your content is not only memorable, but that you deliver it in a way which  propels your career.   I have coached speakers alongside Bridget. I am impressed with her razor sharp approach to storytelling and her ability to turn ho-hum content into  memorable masterpieces.  When you place your speech in Bridget’s hands, you will become a powerful  speaker with memorable content worthy of a standing ovation.”

Theresa Carrington, CEO

The Blessing Basket Project

Winner of the UN's 2016 Intercultural Innovation Award

     “Bridget is the perfect coach for a presenter with a wealth of knowledge and a host of personal experiences. If you’re that person, you need Bridget.  Why? Because she’s a push-pull expert. She pushes you to hone, refine and distill your ideas.  She pushes you toward the message that will be most relevant to your audience.  Meanwhile, she pulls you toward the most powerful storyline possible.  She pulls you toward a rhythm and timing and sequencing that will ensure maximum impact.  In a nutshell, she coaches content, sequencing, and delivery in ways that ensure that YOU and your message shine through.”

Dr. Theresa Coble, Ph.D.
University of Missouri, St. Louis
TEDx Gateway Arch Ripple Effect, October, 2017

Dr. Theresa Coble
Bert Vescolani

     "Throughout my career I have traveled all over the world, speaking to different organizations, elected officials and the public.  If you had asked me if I needed a public speaking coach, I would have asked you “why?”  But in preparation for my 2017 TEDx talk, Bridget Brown was assigned to work with me.  Some weeks after we began coaching, I was asked to speak at a U.S. Congressional briefing regarding the importance of museums to their communities.  Afterwards, I was pulled aside by a U.S. Senator who complimented me on how attention-grabbing my speech was (not something they often experience during these briefings!) Each of these opportunities to make a positive impression, can lead to doors opening and access to individuals that will allow us to advance our mission. 

     There was one reason for this success:  Bridget.  She taught me how to use story to my advantage – no matter what the occasion.  Whether asking for financial support or building strategic partnerships, stories help keep our audience engaged. After all, if the funders are listening, you have a better chance of getting the support you need to make a difference in your community.

     I still speak publicly to many different organizations all over the country, but I am a much more compelling speaker than I used to be because of Bridget Brown’s coaching. "

Bert Vescolani, President & CEO

President & CEO,

Denver Zoological Foundation, Former CEO St. Louis Science Center

In the News!

Listen to Bridget discuss the use of improv communication for scientists and others in this video.

Click here to read the article from
New London's The Day newspaper.

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