Every human being has stories they
don't know they have...
"Since taking Bridget's Unconscious Bias Workshop, I have learned to recognize bias both in myself and in others. It has not been easy to uncover your own biases, but it is so necessary. And it has taught me tools to use on the job with clients, and in my volunteer work. I strive to have more awareness of bias to be a better servant leader and to help advance the industry of real estate".
--Molly Bruno, Real Estate Agent, eXp Realty, Women's Council of Realtors Eastern Connecticut former President
So how do you ensure that all of your team members - especially hiring managers and HR staff - do not hold biases against people who don't look like them or have "funny" names on their resumes?
Our interactive workshops:
Uncover those thoughts that individuals didn't know they had in a safe, non-judgmental way.
Teach advanced listening skills which foster empathy
Explain micro-aggressions and how they lead to team disconnection and lack of empathy
Concrete methods for overcoming the biases that come at you or that you have yourself.
If diversity training worked, we wouldn't be here. We must talk about and examine unconscious bias. In so doing, each employee will leave with a concrete way to constantly keep the topic "top of mind".
Gender Communication Bias Training
Once you teach your employees the necessary legal statutes and company compliance rules around sexual harassment, does it end their biases?
What are you doing with the big grey area that is left to both your organization and individual employees to define, react to and call out when necessary? And does the lack of skills to call it out when they see it inadvertently lead back to inequities, and perhaps even a “glass ceiling”?
By focusing on the gender communication bias issues, both conscious and unconscious, we greatly reduce the risk that compliance with your harassment policies will not be followed, and that a glass ceiling and other bias issues will not be a factor.
The consequence of not focusing on communication bias issues is a risk your company can’t afford to take.
This fully interactive session will result in:
Advanced listening skills
Techniques to disagree without creating conflict
Practical ways to “see it through the eyes of the other”
Tactics and strategies to point out what is one person’s perception without stress or conflict
“You can’t look at one of these things independent of the other…
You can say equal opportunity is one critical part of gender equality. Then, you can say equal advancement, that’s a critical part of gender equality; then you can say equal pay, that’s the third door. And the fourth door is preventing sexual harassment. All of these things together is gender equality.”
--Marc Benioff, CEO Salesforce. April 15, 2018,
60 Minutes, CBS News
Our Gender Communication Bias Class:
Two seasoned facilitators - one male, one female bring interactive exercises and create empathy and trust and a safe setting for the men and women in the room. But instead of diversity training that merely points out diversity and what to do and not do, we to uncover biases and leave your associates with an actionable skill set to communicate around these, sensitive, emotionally-laden topics on a personal level. Without blame. Without judgement. With this training your organization can better uncover and examine the structures and biases which in turn can affect significant organizational change, making your company one that is an even more equitable and productive place to work. One that is a place of belonging.